Weber School District

Weber School District is located in Northern Utah in the heart of Weber County. Nestled within the Wasatch Region it extends from the vast Rocky Mountains and into a portion of the Great Salt Lake.


The District’s origins reach as far back as 1849 when Charilla Abbott became the first school teacher at Brown’s Fort. During the next half century, the school district grew from that one room log cabin into what it is today. In June 1905 the independent schools in Weber County outside of Ogden City Limits were combined into the Weber County School District. Weber High was the first High School in the district, winning the $300,000 building in 1926 by a vote of 733 to 480. Enrollment has increased substantially with student counts of 6,235 in 1949; 19,234 students in 1969; 25,859 students in 1989 to the 30,069 students in 2007.


Weber School District is listed as one of the top 6 Utah Counties that spend the most on Education with a projected student enrollment increase of 29.6% from 2007 to 2022. Weber School District is the 5th largest school district in Utah with a teacher to student ratio of 23 to 1. As of the 2006 school year, Weber School District was spending $3,449 per student on institutional expenses with a total of $4,958 per student. As of December 2007, Weber School District employees 1,645 Teachers, 568 Aides along with almost 800 support staff.

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